The Journey On
Podcast Summit
with Warwick Schiller
“A beautiful event that celebrates the evolution of human consciousness in the context of life among horses” – Kerri Lake

What is the Podcast Summit?
Live Presentations
Previous podcast guests deliver a 20-minute TIC Talk (Teach, Inspire, Connect), sharing their personal knowledge and stories. TIC talks are focused primarily on transformative growth with each presenter sharing their own journey and story. There are usually 7-8 TIC talks per day, broken up with Panel Discussions.
Community Driven
If you’re ready to hear the messages that can change you and be surrounded by a community of like-minded, open-hearted people, then this is your place. Be able to take a deep breath and sink into an environment where every person has something to offer, where you meet people and leave with life-long friends.
It’s not just about the information received but how it allows you to shift your perspective and approach life differently. Imagine a place where every conversation and interaction is an invitation to grow, to understand deeper truths about yourself and how you can change your future.
upcoming Summits

The 4th Annual U.S. Summit will be hosted in the rolling hills of Paso Robles. This 3-Day event will feature stars such as Stacy Westfall and Emelie Cajsdotter. Tour the Journey On Ranch with Warwick & Robyn during an optional integration day on the 28th.
Journey On Summit Recordings
You can watch any of the previous summits as we recorded them via Livestream! Become a part of the community of passionate horsepeople

Teach - Inspire - Connect
Each presenter delivers a 20-minute TIC Talk, sharing their personal knowledge and stories. TIC talks are focused primarily on transformative growth with each presenter sharing their own journey and story.

Panel Discussions
The Summit is driven by collaboration, passion, and community. Each Panel Discussion features experts who come together to answer questions from the audience. Panel members take turns expanding on each others responses, resulting in unique combinations of expertise and passion.

question & Answer Sessions
In addition to Discussion Panels, at the end of each day Presenters re-group on stage to answer questions from both attendees and other presenters. These sessions often have wonderful insights and start powerful conversations.

Relive Past Summits
All of our Summits have been recorded and are available to watch online. Separated into individual TIC Talks and Panel Discussions, the livestream brings the Summit to you at home