Since beginning his YouTube channel in 2011, Australian born Warwick Schiller has become a worldwide horse training educator. With a background in the high-performance equestrian sport of Reining, competing at 2 World Equestrian Games, Warwick’s primary goal now is in educating horse owners of every discipline. He is excited to show people how easy it is to effectively communicate with their horse and create deep authentic relationships that result in a relaxed, connected and present horse and human. He does this through his online video library, his YouTube videos and his very popular Journey On Podcast.
Robyn Schiller grew up being a horse-crazy kid in California, riding before she could even walk and showing as a youth along with her mother in the Western all around events. She is an extremely accomplished rider and highly decorated showperson (a World Championship & Rookie of the Year titles amongst them). Robyn mostly works behind the scenes organizing clinics, retreats and podcast summits. She also loves guiding people through Ice Baths and is a Deliberate Cold Exposure Certified Coach.

Robyn and Warwick initially met at a horse show (no surprise there), and after a year of persistence on Warwick’s part, Robyn finally agreed to go on their first date. There has been no looking back for this pair since. After marrying in 1994, they became parents in 1997 when their son Tyler was born. The family spent 4 years in Australia in the mid 2000’s and before his high school years began, they packed up and moved back to the United States. Tyler is now living in Hawaii working remotely for the business doing marketing .
Warwicks love of storytelling combined with the thousands of hours spent among the best horse trainers and a wide variety of horses has helped him build a well-earned reputation for being among the top professional horsemen himself. His positive support of his followers is ever-apparent in his willingness to engage with people online and in person in a respectful, empathetic manner. Warwick derives his success from the success of his customers.

Robyn joined the family business ending her career in the corporate world. She is mostly found playing the part of behind-the-scenes-wizard at Warwick Schiller Attuned Horsemanship. She continually assists Warwick with speaking and presenter engagements, live feed question and answers sessions, and caring for their own small (ever-growing) herd of horses, dogs, cat and chickens at home.

Tyler graduated from the University of San Diego with a Bachelors of Business Administration. Tyler has a passion for the outdoors, including rock climbing and hiking. Tyler spent a year living at home on the ranch after college where he helped redesign the video site and expand the video library. He sometimes travels with Warwick to Clinics and Expos. He now lives in Hawaii where he works remotely for the family business.
Warwicks Journey on Podcast
Warwick is always learning and growing in hope to become the very best human he can be.
Warwick created The Journey On Podcast to share his story of transformational growth in both his horse training career and personal life. Special guests join the show to discuss their own life-altering stories, sharing their motivations and influences along the way. Warwick invites you to listen to the podcast in hopes you find something that will help you along your own journey.