A Gathering
Like No Other
Connect with like-minded horse people, meet and interact with presenters, and immerse yourself in the magic of the Summit.
Choose Your Event
In the heart of Californian Wine country, this 5 day Summit will feature 3 days of talks, and an Integration Day with workshops held at theJourney On Ranch with Warwick & Robyn.
Meet Presenters
The Summit provides a unique opportunity to connect with the presenters who have been a part of The Journey On Podcast. Intimate, supportive, friendly settings inspire all sorts of wisdom to be shared.
Panel Discussions
The Summit is driven by collaboration, passion, and community. Each Panel Discussion features experts who come together to answer questions from the audience. Panel members take turns expanding on each others responses, resulting in unique combinations of expertise and passion.
Teach - Inspire - Connect
Each presenter delivered a 20-minute TIC Talk, sharing their personal knowledge and stories. TIC talks are focused primarily on transformative growth with each presenter sharing their own journey and story.
question & Answer Sessions
In addition to Discussion Panels, at the end of each day Presenters re-group on stage to answer questions from both attendees and other presenters. These sessions often have wonderful insights and start powerful conversations.